About 3D models on websites

Information: The image of the teapot, which is given as an illustration of the text, is one of the first 3D models, made in the 70s of the 20th century.

Today’s industry and the digital world are inconceivable without 3D modeling. 3D design is being used in film industry, medicine, architecture, engineering. video games, CAD software and others. Area that still remains “uncovered” is the Internet. This is where we come in with our services, which allow 3D models to become part of the Internet and your website.

Here we will explain in detail some facts regarding: the definition of 3D models, history of WebGL technology, comparison of 3D design vs. existing and conventional modes of products and/or services presentations on web sites, as well as the 3D design techniques that we do.


Various sources differently define a 3D model – from a set points in the virtual world to being a mathematical presentation of the virtual object in 3D space.
Our definition of a 3D model is based on the function that it has for your web site and therefore we say that it is an accurate presentation of what the company offers to its customers, to inform them thoroughly about all aspects of the product and/or services offered.

Or, in short, we just say:

Purpose of 3D models

3D WEB VISION, in accordance with its vision, wants you to bring 3D technology, set new standards and create new customs – the use of 3D presentations, as irreplaceable way of displaying products and/or services in a new era of internet technology.

In the online world, as seen from our point of view, there is a wide range of options for the acceptance of 3D design and installing the Web sites for the following reasons:
– 3D models can represent any product, any service,
– 3D models can be used as an illustration of the product, production technology, etc. in any branch of industry, including those branches that do not have direct contact with 3D design, or activities whose products or services are of “intangible” nature (e.g. intellectual services)
– 3D design can be used in a unique and original way, which may not be closely related to the products or services the company (everything is a matter of creativity and good ideas).

Example of 3D model, which can represent dental services:

Development of WebGL technology

Technology that allowed the introduction of 3D content to the websites is WebGL, which is based on OpenGL ES 2.0 technology, popular in the field of video games, and provides a programming interface for 3D representations on web sites.
Canvas 3D experiments initiated by Vladimir Vukičević (from Mozilla) in 2006 can be regarded as the beginnings of WebGL, when he first demonstrated a prototype of Canvas 3D technology. By the end of 2007, both Mozilla and Opera have made their own separate implementations. In early 2009, a non-profit technology consortium “Khronos Group” launched the WebGL Working Group that was joined by experts from Apple, Google, Mozilla, Opera and others. Specification of WebGL v1.0 was released in March 2011.
Today, WebGL is fully supported by all the popular web browsers (Internet explorer 11+, Edge 13+, Mozilla Firefox 43+, Chrome 47+, Opera 34+ etc.) and can be considered a standard when it comes to web browser support.

Comparison of 3D presentation with existing techniques

To paint you more complete picture about 3D presentations and reasons for we consider them a logical continuation of the development of Internet techniques of presenting, we offer you a brief outline of technical descriptions, advantages and disadvantages of the currently popular methods of products/services display (on the Internet) in relation to new, revolutionary 3D presentation.

Photography or image

– easy to produce,
– production quality depends on the devices and software,
– popular method of presenting, supported by all web browsers.

– shows the subject form only one point of view,
– bad perception of spatial shape.


– possibility of displaying the object from number of points of view,
– ability to use attractive transitions from one image to another.

– incomplete spatial shape perception,
– passive observation of the subject,
– no standardized format of slideshow itself.


– enhances perception of subject’s characteristics, in relation to slideshow or photography,
– supported by all web browsers,
– option of audio,
– lots of web sites dedicated to broadcasting this kind of presentations.

– passive observance of subject,
– often bad quality of video (for the practical reasons),
– potentially high production costs.

Panoramic view

– easy to use,
– provides perception of real space.

– often misconceived as 3D view,
– relatively expensive service/equipment necessary for quality production of such views,
– provides observation form only one point of view,
– useless for anything other than panoramic view.

3D presentation

– possible peerless display of subject’s details,
– possible interaction or movability of parts,
– easily controlled point of view,
– complete spatial shape perception,
– complete areal perception,
– supported by all popular web browsers.

– demands certain level of device capabilities (PC, mobile phone) on which it is shown,
– relatively unknown way of presenting,
– no standardized tools for making such presentations,
– needs multidisciplinary skills (3D modelling, image processing for textures, programming, web design).

Types of 3D models

3D WEB VISION has divided 3D models in 4 categories, depending on complexity of production and capabilities needed:
1. static 3D models,
2. interactive 3D models,
3. automated 3D models,
4. 3D environments.

Static 3D models are meant to display object shape and its visual details. This kind of presentation does not offer much more than that, and is considered as basic.

Interactive 3D models are 3D models programmed to respond to certain visitor actions. Decision whether or not 3D model should be interactive is based upon several factors: the nature of the real object being represented, minimal level of complexity of interaction between visitors and 3D model, our client’s wishes.
Basic idea and goal is to produce quality visual 3D presentation of the object that is either client’s end product or abstract illustration of something not so tangible (for instance, service our client wants to advertise). Sometimes the object is inherently interactive, meaning it either has moving parts, is not of fixed shape or reacts in a specific way that is important to present, and which cannot be achieved with static 3D models. In that case, the way to go is to make 3D model interactive.
Interaction can be simple (single click on the 3D model), which is convenient for the visitor, but also limiting for the 3D presentation’s possibilities and, in the end, its quality.
If such interaction is not satisfactory to the nature of object that is to be represented, the obvious course of action is to increase the level of interaction complexity. The more complex the interaction is, the more difficult it is for visitors to interact with 3D model, meaning it demands higher visitors’ skills to achieve desired impact.
If the complexity such that it is reasonable to say that the presentation in an interactive way is impractical, then it is best to automate 3D view in part or in full.

Automated 3D models are essentially same as interactive 3D models, but with no (or very low) visitor interactivity. Such presentations are ideal when the active changes to the 3D model vast are complex, or if our client desires to present the product/service with maximal impact and detail to all visitors, including ones that don’t know their way around in the internet world so much.

3D environments are virtual spaces in which the 3D presentation are placed. They range from practically empty, up to produced in high level of detail, and are used as ambient, 3D presentation’s surroundings of sort. Whatever 3D model is used, it demands a space it is placed in. That is what we call 3D environment.

Our job is, among others, to choose the right way for each presentation and offer the best solution for our customers and their customers.